Unique Gift Wrapping
Wrap it up in that old shirt that is always the brunt of some joke. Wrap your gift in solid white wrapping paper and decorate using washi tape to create the design of your choice. 51 Best Gift Wrapping Ideas For Christmas Easy Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas Choose a gift wrap idea that also doubles as a gift. Unique gift wrapping . This is a great gift giving idea for a fun scarf as the scarf itself can be used as the presentation for the gift it holds. You need to start with a plain white gift paper cover. Step up your gift-wrapping game with these unique ideas. These wrapping ideas will give you an insight into what DIY techniques you can use. Washi Tape Gift Wrapping. Gift wrapping with a wow factor. Subscribe to BuzzFeed Nifty. The most popular color. If you love giving beautifully wrapped gifts as much as I do youll enjoy these unique DIY gift wrapping ideas. 18 of 24 Enlarge a calendar page on a copier to cleverly wrap the giftand note the special da...