
Showing posts with the label remember

Ways To Remember Things

Mnemonics refers to any system or device designed to aid memory--usually patterns of letters ideas or associations such as ROYGBIV to remember the colors of the rainbow. To make it easier for you to remember information use your visual memory. How To Remember Things You Study Better With Pictures Wikihow Try these seven ways to enhance your total recall. Ways to remember things . This essential tip works for two reasons. To remember by repeating as many times as possible is out. Studying should be fun all about thoughtful exploration and discovering new things. It sounds so simple but it does take a little practice to get into the habit of doing it. Instead of focusing on language and the word itself create visual images of what that word is. For a more solid method to memorize more and learn faster join the Fast Track Class Spark Your Learning Genius for free and sharpen your brain power. To remember the name of a person named Mike for example imagine him holding...